but somehow alittle pause i should steal from becoz i just need some time to breath. sounds very over...
AND...... i got some skin sensitive affection on both legs which is so reddish n is kinda terrible... SOBS.... : (
i need to pause all my shorts and skirts becoz it needed to cover ....
so...... LONG BOTTOMS i will stick to u recently .....
hmmm....probably, i need a movie after this assignment, as i cant remember when is my last time visit cinema.... i wanna watch CONNECTED... yes, i think this is my type of movie... guess so.....
and, there is some statement pop into my mind recently when i heard some broke up among frens.
1)who is your greatest lover?
There are no one can be ur greatest lover execpt you yourself. U r the only one who love urself the most and always, not parents, not family members, not bf/gf but yourself ! agree ?
2)whenever u got hurt by the ended relationship, that is the moment u found out that u lost urself, and u be asking 'where is the previous me? '
seriously, no one can cure u from that f* pain but time will sweep it off little by little and u will only realise in a ONE RANDOM DAY ! by that time, u will put a smile on face sincerly FOR URSELF, the smile that u sense the biggest deepest of the words ' I M FINE' ! & 'THIS IS ME HERE' ! ^^
3) there is seriously no right or wrong or who should responsible or who to blame when the relationship ended. When it want to end, it will end still no matter how long have been draged or what had been invested.
Pleasing will not a vice action, stay still,stay calm have a good mutual agreement, cheers for the friendship and go find urself back who had lost some pieces. It might be real hard time but this is the smartest choice ever ! compare those who go suicide or what so ever.
lol, i m talking like the professional consultant. =.=" bcoz, I gainned my lesson in experience...wheeeee....
BTW, me wanna share some photos here, stay tuned.
story starts here........
1) wow...she is so serious hardworking in library..
2) eh? ! she is working hard writting on the lappie ???

3) WTF??!!!! she is playing game on it !!!!! faint =.="
the above pictures is taken by Ms bear.

AND tadaaaa....this is Ms bear who so freaking serious during lecture hall.... LOL
k la, is enough for time stealing. stop here n back to work. Tata
wat makes ur leg sensetive?pitynya..well..at first i really tot u so hardworking..wen i saw u r playing games,*ting*(idea came)..so i quicky take donw the scene..haha..owh..my pic is so ugly wei..and i very 'serious' during lec ler...haha..
waa, darling really serious wor... tsu, learn frm bear laa... Hehe
of course..must learn form me..im PELAJAR HARAPAN WEI...
chan ???? who is chan???
oh no...uncle chan is reading my blog??? wooooo hoooo.....
uncle chan, let me tell u...ur daughter memang tak tau malu la... ask her humble abit la...
fa chiaw la you chan, suddenly chan suddenly zinc next time write chee ok! then i'll put behind chee (xin). hahaha. and that photo of yours is very fake lor. 'jia zheng jin"
u oni chee xin fanny L..eh..is not jia zheng jin okie?i really serious in lec..i seldom talk in lec wei..
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