Sunday, December 1, 2013




我正为自己烦恼,我介意别人对我的看法。话说要为自己而活, 自己开心就好。矛盾的是,我在因为别人的意见而为难自己,很多的顾虑。 哎,怎么搞?



是身边的人变了,还是我自己应该要改变调整 ?

Sunday, August 18, 2013


Hi 以后的你, 不知你是否会像 Lee Hom 一样帅气 ?  哈哈哈~

不知你是谁,但这是写给你. 万一你看不懂, 就Google Translate 咯.

以后的你, 我不会是乖绵羊, 你要接受这点. 我脾气其实一点都不好,请不要被我的外表骗到.

我很stubborn, 要麻不做决定,一旦决定就是了,没有回头的意思. 除非你的说服力顶瓜瓜,但那是到可以考虑的阶段.


我的坏习惯是不喜欢把什么都拿来讲,我不欢喜的, 不开心的, 通常都会埋在心里,我不善于表达, 有点难搞. 虽然我很flexible, 随和 , 但还是会有主见的. 我不knowledgable ,但我很想改进. 我很乐意你和我分享你的见识 , 我也会. 我很希望你是那个能让我增值的伴侣 , 放手让我去见见外面的世界. 我很独立, 别担心. 请不要阻止我的社交圈子, 因为如果你这样我会选择隐瞒你. 不要担心我会飞走, 因为如果我爱你, 无论如何, 我会回来给你很大的拥抱与关爱.

我会关心你的家人有如我的家人一样. ( 除非他们不喜欢我啦, 那就不一样咯)
我不希望你是无敌大男人, 我希望 我们有商量, 当然在应该的时候, 我会给你足够的面子 , 回家你就知道 ! 哈哈 !
我不会无理取闹, 但是如果我voice out 就代表我真的不爽了.

我脑比较直. 讲话有时会比较刺耳,请提醒我.
我需要私人空间,请允许. 不要偷看电话,很无礼,问我,我会大方的给.如要偷看,就高超一点,别让我看到.
我爱狗, 你别怕它们,它们其实很善良的.

我也很想有一天我们能背包旅行,但如果你不能/不想, 请不要勉强,但不要阻止我去,这是我的心愿. 我很希望我们可以是很好的travel buddy.

你一定要爱我们的家,有小孩有时会很烦恼,我们的负担会加重很多,无形的压力. 无论如何,有什么应酬,多夜,你都一定要回家. 你可以有女性知己,但千万记得别过线,不要把我放在难看的情况. 孩子毕竟需要完整的家. 我也想有男性知己,希望我们能彼此给予信任.
我们要一起分担家里的事情,可能我会唠叨,别讨厌我好吗? 给我更多的耐心,好吗 ?

吵架的时候,别气过头,再怎么生气,一定不能动手. 吵架多凶, 一定要在24 小时里和好,我知道有时我们会为面子过不去, 但是夫妻要那么计较?
我希望我们以后还是可以手牵手,哪怕是老夫老妻,不要害羞啦. 哈哈 !

好啦,好像也不懂要写什么了. 先写到这,有补充的话再写咯! :P

以后的你, 我还在寻找, 真希望我们会有缘遇到.

以后的你, 加油!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

累 ; 泪

How strong do you believe in fate ?

I used to answer yes but things has changed so do my thoughts .

Fate is just a very minor part of a relationship , maintaining is the one that really counts.

Maintaining a relationship is never easy . Human tend to find the balance point of both parties and get frustrated when the ratio move to left or right .Human tend to take things for granted,human nature.

Your mid night call , telling me how can I overlook all the good things we had together , you cannot accept the decision I have made.  I told you , I didn't want to repeat my reason again . My effort to maintain the relationship has ended , the balance point wasn't there thus the border line was formed. I told you I am tired, like seriously. After what I have stated , you told me there's no point for you to call me again. I wiped of what you said , which mean there are no reason for u to call other than only when we are in a relationship ? Reality strike. I can take it. Clean & Clear. After all we did shared most of ours together , we knew each other better than our siblings.

曾給你馴服到, 就像綿羊,何解會反咬你一下, 你知嗎?


了结. 希望我们以后能看到对方的幸福.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


This abandoned blog is back after more than half a year.

Hello me in 2013.

2013 , a year of the not so young me and continue to be older moving forward.

Where have I visited ? Hanoi

Vietnam , my 2nd visit this time from the previous visit to Ho Chi Minh. Hanoi this time , my overall summary of the trip  : Fun + Crazy + Relaxing + Disaster = Awesomeness

Fun : The group of people that I went with started from hunting promo air tickets , planning itinerary , logistic arrangement , accommodation , awesome food hunting, taking care each other during the trip. Awesome ppl with wonderful trip.

Crazy : Cycling tour in Hanoi is CRAZIEEEE . I can't describe the traffic situation there in words , basically the traffic there are free and easy, go any direction you want to. Honk is a must on the road. We put our life in huge risk where your tiny bicycle is surrounded by motorbikes  in all directions ( like uncountable). We are safe , TQ !

Relaxing: Cruise trip to Halong Bay . Peaceful . You totally do nothing on cruise besides eat , social , drink , enjoying the good view around and the cooling breeze , and yeah , this is life for that moment :)  Not forget to mention the kayaking and the peak stop for the whole Halong Bay view , is worth climbing that hundreds steps for that view. That beauty .

Disaster : Well , the wonderful trip ended with a little disaster when we were at the night market. I was targeted by picked pocket , 3 long cut on my bag , I am really thankful that I did not lost anything , my bag organiser saved me from further lost. I have already paid full alert on my bag yet they still able to make it , how skillful . People , please be extra extra X 100000000 careful as I don't how much is needed but yeaaa..

Fat Burning

Always wanted to burn more fats but forever not achieving due to lazinesssss. ( Kill me)

Alright , in order to keep my motivation on I have been a good customer with Groupon . I purchased one month trial at Celebrity Gym ( July) , classes make me keep moving on ... bahhhhh... I CAN DO IT !
I bought another promo at Jazzercise for 10 session ( August) , alright now all well planned , no excuses for me being lazy anymore. For the month of Sept , 2 marathon run . Okay okay... 3 months planning in a row.. Hopefully all good.


People around me been leaving / planning on doing something else. I am still here swinging left and right, what should I do ?


Suddenly I have books to read without buying them, and the contrast as below.
Book from girlfriend : < Calm life is not lonely>
Book from guyfriend: < Property purchase guidance>
Now you know the focus difference between girl & guy.

I have made a decision. A sad decision but should be a right one and its more firm when I saw my parents reaction , their eyes told me they agree with me.

So long , continue looking forward and is back to Me Time :)

Cheers !