Saturday, March 17, 2012

Skinny Love

This song catches my ears while I was in my car going to off my engine , literary stopped my action to finish this song from the radio.

Not sure what was the feeling but I definitely feel something.

A lovely song.

Skinny Love by this young girl -Birdy . I think she really covers this song from Bon Iver so well .

I think is worth the time spent on this song :)



工作完毕,把时间交给自己, 正要踏出门时,停了一下, 我应该做什么呢? 哈哈 讽刺。
好吧,今天主题- 随意。


经过人山人海的地方, 好奇的望了望,哦! 是杨宗纬。
从高出望, aunty拿着散光牌,陶醉得听着,然后给个thumb up 。 这一幕,如果杨宗纬看见了,我想是他感觉最窝心的感动比起尖叫的热情。

有如,一个男,工作辛苦,时间全用尽,女友的抱怨,撒娇,也比不起妈妈的一句:孩子,辛苦了,累了吧? 没有蜜语的感动。

经过delicious ,顿时想到它的double choc brownies,多么诱人,还真想踏进去,但看了看里面的顾客,都是是情侣,家庭,朋友们,没有是一个人的,哎呀,我很shy 。 不要人家误会我失恋一个人以食物疗伤。 哈哈! 走啦走啦。。。还是subway 比较健康。

我累了。 你累在工作,我累在看你累在工作,还要忙多久?
星期六,好像已经只是把我自己送去你家,等时间过。 是这样子的吗?
我也很想被pampered, 不是一味接你的订单。


Sunday, March 4, 2012

火力全开 !

My very first concert in Malaysia after my first concert back in Adelaide for Lady Gaga.

This time is for WANG LEE HOM !!

OMG , he just forever the good looking and talented ! *melts*

Much appreciation to Knifie and Spoonie for the free ticket ! *love*

The concert was all worth it when Lee Hom's mobile stage pass by us right in front ! *faint*

It was a wonderful concert together with good music and rain ....... yes.... hujan...

Anyway , still having the fever of it. ahhhhhhhh ~


Ok , my gym plan has been delay delay and delayyyyy.....

Alright , the fund should go for 3 months gym or a CK handbag ? ( clearly is not suppose to be in dilemma =.= " ) *smack head*

Photo time :

* my ticket !

* Andy's initial plan was to have picnic there. LOL

Too Far away ~

Insanely Crowd
