Saturday, December 1, 2012

1st Dec 2012

The last month of the year 2012 is here now .

What have I achieve ? What have I done ?

A lot of things going to be an end I suppose , in this year 2012. At lease Twilight Saga has ended with the Breaking Dawn II , it was a good movie , oh well.. after all it's a girls' movie . hehe..

Cold War was another good movie .

Few things to complete this month .

Hopefully I will have a beautiful closing this year , and then time to search for other opportunity. A good end perhaps ?

Are we going to make things better or continue being cold with lotsa ignorance ? It has been 2 years and again , what are our commitments for where there are no mutual understandings ? Tell me if I am wrong , I am lost.

I have just registered Toastmaster. A public speaking class. I hope its a good start to kill off my public speaking nervous.. bahhh ~  hehe .

I have also registered a 12km run on the 30 Dec 2012. The Newton Challenge 2012 . Don't ask me if I can make it , I will definitely try my very best to complete the 12km and to get the finishing medal . Ok yes ,I must do it and which means I need to start training from now on @.@

December is also the Christmas month ! wheeee !  I'm planning to get myself a smart phone as Christmas present, hmmmm... sounds good :) Or sounds like a good reason to spend more money ~  haha

This month , I will be attending 2 weddings dinner , and imagine I have friends at my age getting married , more red bombs coming ! haha

* ESC Dining at Ara Damansara , next to Symphony Building. A pleasant dining place :)

* The art of my colleague, and obviously I am the victim. 

* Office desk decorated with some tiny creatures. 

* The 12km run I was saying ... 

* Some Christmas feel, ya ? 

* Red Bomb


Sunday, November 11, 2012

Recent by Nov 2012

Normal routine 
- Work
- Gym ( not effective enough , Michelin still with me)
- Home, spend time with family & BeE BeE 
- The bf
- hangout with friends 

Not so normal 
- Wondering & Imagining 
- Some flash back of the past 
- Some planning on career 
- Financial planning

New stuff 
- IBM Hollywood Night ( I desperately got a dress on the night before the event , but I think it turns out not bad.. hehe) My dear colleague did a great performance , love it ! I had a really good night with your companion.
- First 5 km Run - Terry Fox ( Yeay ! good start)
- Few wine nights ( oh yes ~ wine )
- Few concerts (sing K) in a month. ( aha ~)

Look at that awesome body ~

BeE BeE's private pedicure time~

My India son is growing up :)

Lovely hair-do by my dearest pig friend , thank you !

Found this silly photo ! haha 

Yes ! complete 5 km ! Happie ! 

Saturday, July 21, 2012


梁静茹 的 新歌。 《爱久见人心》

存一寸光陰 換一個世紀
摘一片苦心 釀一滴蜂蜜
用盡了全力 只為在一起
我愛不愛你 愛久見人心


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Happy Graduation My Dear Dog Friend !

On the 9th July 2012 , the dearest dog friend graduate with her Bachelor of Arts ( Honour) - Social Science / Political Science ... ( cannot remember the title.. lol ) from National University of Singapore . How great is that.. so proud of her.

Dear JY , appreciate that you allow us to celebrate / share one of your happiest moment , I mention here one of your happiest moment because you will have more and more in future. :D

The moment u walked out from the hall with your graduation suit , our smile ( ah bear , ah net & me)  hang on our face just like that ! Ah bear was telling me she feels so touched for the moment.  haha..

Oh well , nothing much but once again , CONGRATULATION !!

* 猪朋狗友 ! Yeay ! 

* us with the pretty photographer ( ah net) 

* Our mission complete ! ^.^ v

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Life , Live

A friend passed away caused of suicide. A shocking news.
Question to ourselves , how can this happen on him ?
Reason unknown but only himself.
The reason is no longer important as the fact will still remain.




遇到这个人,你会不顾一切厚脸皮地去表白/明示,哈哈, 天大的勇气!





人生不就是这样吗? 你最想要的,不一定会拥有。你拥有的,未必是最想要的。


有句话,we have to be flexible , 我还在想flexible 到底要点在哪里啊?


Saturday, March 17, 2012

Skinny Love

This song catches my ears while I was in my car going to off my engine , literary stopped my action to finish this song from the radio.

Not sure what was the feeling but I definitely feel something.

A lovely song.

Skinny Love by this young girl -Birdy . I think she really covers this song from Bon Iver so well .

I think is worth the time spent on this song :)



工作完毕,把时间交给自己, 正要踏出门时,停了一下, 我应该做什么呢? 哈哈 讽刺。
好吧,今天主题- 随意。


经过人山人海的地方, 好奇的望了望,哦! 是杨宗纬。
从高出望, aunty拿着散光牌,陶醉得听着,然后给个thumb up 。 这一幕,如果杨宗纬看见了,我想是他感觉最窝心的感动比起尖叫的热情。

有如,一个男,工作辛苦,时间全用尽,女友的抱怨,撒娇,也比不起妈妈的一句:孩子,辛苦了,累了吧? 没有蜜语的感动。

经过delicious ,顿时想到它的double choc brownies,多么诱人,还真想踏进去,但看了看里面的顾客,都是是情侣,家庭,朋友们,没有是一个人的,哎呀,我很shy 。 不要人家误会我失恋一个人以食物疗伤。 哈哈! 走啦走啦。。。还是subway 比较健康。

我累了。 你累在工作,我累在看你累在工作,还要忙多久?
星期六,好像已经只是把我自己送去你家,等时间过。 是这样子的吗?
我也很想被pampered, 不是一味接你的订单。


Sunday, March 4, 2012

火力全开 !

My very first concert in Malaysia after my first concert back in Adelaide for Lady Gaga.

This time is for WANG LEE HOM !!

OMG , he just forever the good looking and talented ! *melts*

Much appreciation to Knifie and Spoonie for the free ticket ! *love*

The concert was all worth it when Lee Hom's mobile stage pass by us right in front ! *faint*

It was a wonderful concert together with good music and rain ....... yes.... hujan...

Anyway , still having the fever of it. ahhhhhhhh ~


Ok , my gym plan has been delay delay and delayyyyy.....

Alright , the fund should go for 3 months gym or a CK handbag ? ( clearly is not suppose to be in dilemma =.= " ) *smack head*

Photo time :

* my ticket !

* Andy's initial plan was to have picnic there. LOL

Too Far away ~

Insanely Crowd


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Hello 1802

I always love this number as much as I love myself :p

This year was an extremely surprise from my beloved pig friend and dog friend. The pig made advanced planning , and the dog got blown by the wind all the way from Singapore just to add some sweetness and warm to my dinner. My greatly appreciation to both of you , it has been more than 10 years and yes it will keep going on and on and on ~ same goes to my love to both of you.

We got our 2nd friendship bracelet due to previous one were all damaged. Oh well , the dog said if ever this bracelet got damage again the next one will be platinum. HAHA ! ( time to start saving money~) Can't wait for our BALI trip ! HUGS

Imagine 10 years later , we all will be talking about anti-aging facial products.. HAHA.. okay, okay, lets not putting myself to that old first.

So What Ah Boi did ?

Thank god he brought me to some proper dinner place rather than what he has been suggested these few days like Murni , Williams , 6 to 10 grill... smack his head ! hmph !

We went Albion KL , a British owned restaurant where the customers are mostly ang mor too . The owner was so lovely , a handsome uncle * wink wink* haha . Surprisingly the price are very reasonable on the fine dining food they served. A pretty good place I should say, highly recommended.

Just when I got home , my bro said : jie jie , I did not buy anything for you just because I don't know what you want.

Awww, it feel so warm when your little brother said that to you , is the thought that counts ~


I have been sick for 3 weeks coming 1 month , haiz... what happen ? Finished 2nd bottle of cough syrup, more and more pills .. woohooo ~ I am now a drug addict =.= "
Dear sickness , please go home soon k , me no love youuu


Let's talk about songs , Whitney Houston , she left but her songs never .

There can be miracle when you believe ~

Her Exhale is one of my favorite too.

Alright , time to hit to the bed and face the never ending emails tomorrow.

My appreciation to every single of you who made my month extra wonderful .


Sunday, January 29, 2012


故事情節掉了 主角對白掉了 該屬於劇中的對角戲也掉了

胸口沒有快樂 斷了翅的白鴿 不枯萎的藉口全掉了

曾經唱過的歌 分享過的笑聲 在心中不斷拉扯

想念不能承認 偷偷擦去淚痕 冬天過了還是會很冷

很好的一首歌,以什么的心情去听,当然带出不同的味道 。

我此刻的心情, 是 要 去 唱 K ! 哈哈!

唱大大声 !