Peeps ! I am here to announce that I am
graduated from my Degree! :D
Convocation was held yesterday. It was GREAT !
I m here specially thanks to
Pig friend who shared my greatest moment in my life, and thanks for everything she did. Flowers and BIG TEDDY ! :D
Thanks for all my lovely friends who skipped their lecture to attend my convocation, I am much appreciated their attendance. The feeling name TOUCHED.
SPOONIE, we had this wonderful day together, BIG SMILE !
My lovely FAMILY, all the way from home, wittness me on graduation cap and gown, walked on stage, took over the certificate, smile to the camera. That cert cost them ALOT ( in terms of everything). I am so glad being their daughter they willing to invest on me, might not be a proud daughter as return, but I am much appreciate what they have gave to me.
Greetings from people made me feel so loved.
Also, not to forget the express mailed teddy, that brought me another big smile ! :D
After party was AWESOME ! Mix of feelings, happy + sad. Happy to have a huge group of friends spending the FUN TIME on dance floor, sad that this moment its ending. There will be no longer similar faces around me that I used to be with in the awesome year in Adelaide. Yea, I have no more words to describe this.
Till then, Its another begining stage of LIFE. Wish me LUCK.